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SRM Consultants

Nigel Moore is the Managing Director of SRM Network. He originally enjoyed a successful career in Information Communications Technology (ICT) before moving into Sports Management. His first appointment was as Chief Executive of England Squash before moving to The Football Association as National Planning and Training Manager where he initiated and implemented business planning systems, 'The Football Workforce' and created an extensive football development network of almost 200 staff.

He later worked as the National Club Development Manager for Sport England where he created club policy, including multi - sport development and led the successful growth of Sport England Clubmark accreditation programme with over 40 NGBs. He was also instrumental in governance and fiscal development for clubs, including Social Enterprise status and Community Amateur Sport Club (CASC) registration and played a key role in the development of sports sponsorship funding through Sportsmatch.

Nigel’s consultancy roles have seen him work on a broad range of assignments including: football, boxing, swimming, handball, County Sports Partnership, sports events and education projects.

His active interests include Tennis, Squash, sailing, skiing and cycling, most recently completing the Etape Du Tour 2011. He also supports his family’s sporting activities and is an active volunteer in these clubs as well as the local sports networks.

Other consultancy expertise of Network colleagues includes:

Funding and Fundraising
Human Resource Management
Financial management
Facility development
Club operational management

For details of how the Network consultants can support your project please contact us here.